Blizzard of '78
The Blizzard of 1978 along with another Nor'Easter less than a month earlier ultimately forced the demolition of one of Higgins' premier landmarks... The Silver Sands Hotel.
In the photo above, you can see not only the damage to the hotel but also to the wooden seawall which had just been put up. The cottage on the right just behind the seawall is 4 Morning Street. If it looks slightly different as for location, it's because the cottage was lifted off of its foundation by the storm and moved over and against the cottage behind it. This is the same cottage which was recently auctioned off.
The photo below was taken obviously from the beach, and it is easy to see the washed out area beneath the hotel.
Below is a postcard picture of the hotel's dining room during its heyday. The back of the postcard is also reproduced below.
Moving forward to today, the following photo was shot on February 8, 2003. The chain link fence outlines the property where the main hotel used to be located.