Tent City on Vesper
We have often heard stories about tent cities of Portland area residents who would buy lots on
Higgins Beach and then spend the summers in tents while they waited to build their dream cottages.
Well, finally we have the photographic proof! Bill Lowell found these pictures of his family's early
days at Higgins and let us share them with you.
The illustrious beach goers are in front: Ruth, Shirley, Alma and Janet Lowell; in back without
their bathing attire are Bill Lowell's mothers and some Canadian relatives.
Bill Lowell's mother, Florence, stands by the pot while Shirley Lowell
in the bathing cap sits with a friend.
Must be a colder day on the beach! Here we have in the front row: Virginia Hay, Pauline Boothby,
Shirley Lowell, Ruth Lowell, Russell Boothby and Alma Lowell; in the back row, we have: Grace
Boothby holding Austin Boothby, an unidentified cousin from Canada and Florence Lowell.
Virginia Hay is now Virginia Leavitt and owns another cottage on Vesper Street. Shirley Lowell owns
the Billoview cottage at the northeast corner of Vesper and Bayview, and Shirley's brother Bill who was
yet to be born owns a home at the foot of Houghton Street. True beach tradition!