Monthly Thumbnails
This page will hopefully allow those who cannot live year round at the beach to enjoy a series of updated photos of Higgins Beach, For those of you in far away states and even those of you close by, we will share monthly pictures of the beach, so drop in often. If you drop us an e-mail, we will add you to our monthly "Higgins Beach Fix" list, which will ensure that you never miss an update. The pictures on the site are all in low resolution to reduce the download time for those with slower modems, but if any shots are particularly appealing to you, send us an e-mail and we will forward a higher resolution copy at no charge.
Below are thumbnail links to the current scenes for the January release. These photos feature scenes on the beach as well as life around it. Enjoy!
For vintage photos, do not forget to check out the continuing story on the Higgins Beach History pages, and for live web cam action, click on the link on the Home page.
Each photo page contains five photographs, and you can navigate through them by either clicking on the page number or by clicking on any particular thumbnail.
Join us for a walk around Higgins. We hope that you enjoy the new pictures.
On the real estate front, as a reminder, if you want to access the specific pages on individual
cottages for sale, we will need a separate e-mail from you asking for directions to navigate to that